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Frequently  Asked Questions...

Your course design is based on accent and language proficiency tests, as well as on your specific work-related needs such as professional vocabulary, telephone and virtual meeting skills, cultural knowledge, and oral presentation skills.


Accent Test:

The ALP Accent Test is an indicator of the student's accent relative to the Standard American accent.


ALP uses an online tool and selected readings to record and analyze your pronunciation of all of the English sounds (phonemes) as well as use of intonation and speed.   


Clients receive a diagnostic report with pronunciation issues graded as minor, moderate or severe.


Language Test:

You will be given a series of tests to determine your level of English with regard to reading comprehension, writing, listening and speaking.

"How will you assess my communication needs?"

“Language is the basic backbone of any immigrant that comes in whether it is a skilled immigrant or a family class” (Respondent 08*).


Quite often, the language training that you've received is insufficient to truly master the language. Pronunciation is typically left out of traditional ESL courses. Ingrained pronunciation and language patterns may prevent you from getting your message across and even hinder opportunities for employment, career advancement,  and  teamwork.


ALP's courses will help you reach a level of English language proficiency that will enhance your ability to communicate accurately, express points of view, negotiate, and develop and advance your arguments effectively. These skills will help you to achieve your goals and reach your full potential!


*Deeb, Suhair, "The impact of intercultural communication competence on the career experiences of skilled immigrant managers in the greater Toronto area" (2011). Theses and dissertations. Paper 911.


 "How can your courses help me reach my
professional goals?"


Pronunciation is a physical skill. 


When speaking English, you can't help using the unique set of sounds and patterns from your native language because, from an early age, you've been using specific muscles in our mouth, nose and throat. Changing the muscle memory of your speech apparatus is similar to taking tennis lessons after you've already "taught yourself" how to play: you need to gain muscle awareness and then repeat the technique until it becomes automatic.


Through breathing, relaxation, and discovery and awareness of new muscles and sounds, as well as repetition of tailor-made exercises, you will reduce first language “interference,” and speaking clearly will become second nature!



"What are muscularity exercises?"
"What kind of time commitment is required?"

The frequency and duration of the course depend on the needs of each individual client, and are based on:


  • degree of accent "fossilization"/interference

  • level of English

  • employer/employee needs and availability

  • type of course(s)


Students need to commit to a minimum of 20 minutes of homework a day.


For example:


Accent improvement and/or presentation skills sessions may be combined with ESL courses.


ESL and/or oral presentation skills sessions may be integrated in accent improvement courses.


Effective oral communication is about more than good pronunciation and language proficiency. True confidence in your comprehensibility may be achieved through coaching sessions that incorporate practice in:



Speed                                            Fluency

Volume                                         Choice of words

Projection                                    Cultural proficiency

Clear enunciation                      Expressiveness

Word and syllable stress          Attitude

Intonation                                    Body Language

Voice quality                                Facial expressions

                                                         Use of hands

"How can ALP help me improve my
 presentation skills?"
"What will employers and employees
gain from this course?" 

  • increased confidence

  • deeper engagement and inclusiveness

  • fewer misunderstandings

  • improved productivity

  • enhanced teamwork and collaboration

  • increased client loyalty

  • reduced barriers to opportunities

  • decreased safety issues

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